Présentation du pot à bonsai 2111251

Ce pot a été fabriqué en grès brun avec silice et sans glaçure ce qui lui donne un style plus rustique.
Over the years, it will acquire a beautiful patina.

The stoneware has greater shock and frost resistance which is advantageous in the frigid, Quebec winter temperatures. The pot also has a drainage hole as well as anchoring holes to keep the tree well in place.
Ce pot a été conçu pour conifère qui est délicat (bunjin) et de style féminin.

This pot was made of brown stoneware with silica and no glaze which gives it a more rustic style.
Over the years, it will take on a beautiful patina.

The stoneware has greater shock and frost resistance which is advantageous in the frigid, Quebec winter temperatures. The pot also has a drainage hole as well as anchoring holes to keep the tree well in place.

This pot was designed for conifer which is delicate (bunjin) and feminine in style.

Présentation du pot à bonsai 2111251
Présentation du pot à bonsai 2111251 vu du dessus
Présentation du pot à bonsai 2111251 vu du dessous
Série / Serial2111251
FormatRond / Round
TreeShohin (10 ~20cm)
CategoryConifère / Conifer
ColorNaturel / Natural
Lenght17.0 cm
Hauteur / Heigh4.5cm
Intérieur/ interior
Hauteur / Heigh3.5cm