
Hello everyone,
I'm pleased to present you with articles on bonsai pottery, as well as topics that generally encompass the world of bonsai. Over the years that I've been practicing this art, I've acquired tips and tricks on growing these trees in Quebec's demanding climate. I don't pretend to hold the absolute truth, but these tips and tricks give me great results, and I'd like to share them with you.
Enjoy your reading!

Image par Ilona Ilyés de Pixabay

Why use snow to protect your bonsai?

The period of hibernation under the snow for our bonsai can be stressful, for professionals and beginners alike. On the strength of my experience with various methods to protect my native bonsai, I'd like to share in this article an approach that has fully met my expectations. By doing so, you'll be able to tackle this crucial step with confidence and self-assurance.

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Image par Ilona Ilyés de Pixabay

Why use snow to protect your bonsai?

The period of hibernation under the snow for our bonsai can be stressful, for professionals and beginners alike. On the strength of my experience with various methods to protect my native bonsai, I'd like to share in this article an approach that has fully met my expectations. By doing so, you'll be able to tackle this crucial step with confidence and self-assurance.

Image par Ilona Ilyés de Pixabay

How do I keep my native bonsai in winter?

I have native trees, but how do I keep my native bonsai in Quebec winters? This is a common concern among many amateurs. The fascinating world of bonsai appeals to many enthusiasts, but it can be a source of uncertainty for beginners, especially when it comes to winter survival.


How to secure a bonsai in its pot when repotting!

When repotting a bonsai, a crucial step not to be neglected is anchoring the tree in its new pot. This step is of the greatest importance.

How and when to repot
mon bonsaï !

Repotting a bonsai tree is very important. It serves to retain the rootlets to nourish the tree and remove the large secondary roots.

Image par Tumisu de Pixabay

How to choose a bonsai pot?

Often, many enthusiasts purchase pots without considering certain essential criteria. They make their choice based on their aesthetic preferences but fail to take into account the basic criteria that will enhance their bonsai.


Styles of bonsai pots

Partie – 2

Afin de préserver l’harmonie visuelle d’un bonsaï, le choix du pot approprié revêt une importance cruciale. Les styles «Shin, Gyō, Sōh» représentent différentes formes de pots qui contribuent à l’esthétique globale de l’arbre.


Bonsai pot shapes

Part - 1

The market for bonsai pots abounds in an infinite variety of shapes, although they can really be reduced to just two basic forms: the circle and the square. These two shapes are the most prized by bonsai enthusiasts for their classic, balanced aesthetic.

How can I tell whether my bonsai is masculine or feminine ?

L’art du bonsaï utilise le critère de «féminin» et de «masculin», mais cette notion est souvent ambiguë et interprétée différemment par les amateurs. Certains l’associent aux espèces d’arbres utilisées, tandis que d’autres le perçoivent plutôt comme une projection d’image à travers le bonsaï.

Image par Robin Higgins de Pixabay

The importance of the pot in bonsai presentation

Many people overlook the importance of choosing the right pot for their bonsai. However, it is essential to consider this decision carefully. Often, they opt for an aesthetically pleasing pot, but without asking the crucial question...